A Soul's Journey at Dusk

Finding Spirit in Nature

Jan 25, 2010

Keillor Road, Edmonton

When I was a child I used to play in a forested area that was part of a bank of the North Saskatchewan River in Edmonton. Keillor Road descended gradually from the top through the forest and ended up at a farm on the old flood plain near the river. There was an old stone fence parts of which still survive and behind it Scot's pine trees and the old homestead. I would play on the trails that criss-crossed the area later riding my first bike on them. On Sunday's my family would drive toWhitemud Creek Park at the end of the road for a picnic or for a skate in the winter. I've lived in Edmonton for most of my 55 years and I love this place in the city. For the past ten years I have walked down the trail to the road and then along it to Whitemud Creek and beyond. There is a wonderful trail that runs right along the river that I sometimes take. I often come near dusk walking back up out of the river valley in the dark.  I do this walk almost every day of the year.  This blog will be about my experiences of this place and how the walking led to some simple personal revelations and a connection to my art.