A Soul's Journey at Dusk

Finding Spirit in Nature

Apr 12, 2010

Can We Imagine

There are many facts that I could put down about what is happening to nature, to the planet that supports us.And I'm sure I would have lots of arguments refuting them. In the end I have come to know in my own heart and in my soul that the way we live must drastically change or there may be nothing left for us to survive with. Perhaps there will be pockets, some remnants of what once flourished on the earth and something inside me says why would I want to live in a world that is so diminished.

I believe fear of what will happen, guilt about what we are doing to our own home and a sense of powerlessness leave many of us unable to respond in a meaningful way to this crisis. It seems that life has become so complex, so full of structures that don't want to give up power or change that it seems impossible to know where to start. That's certainly how I have felt for a number of years.

As I have walked along the river valley trail I have contemplated what I might do. Slowly I realized that the answer was around me. It was just that my eyes had to see differently, they had to see with my heart. And so I began to notice things in a different way, that the place would speak to me, to show me it's own soul. I started to record these moments with my camera. I began to feel excitement and a deep sense of joy that I had never experienced before. It was if something out there was speaking to me, wanting to be noticed but not in an acquisitive way.